
地牛又翻身!花蓮壽豐20:28發生規模4.9地震 最大震度4級

紐時賞析/科技巨頭蘋果 捲入政治風暴


h2 class="content_title_1">Tech Giants Are Plunged Into Political Firestorm


On Feb. 6, 2018, Apple received a grand jury subpoena for the names and phone records connected to 109 email addresses and phone numbers. It was one of the more than 250 data requests that the company received on average from U.S. law enforcement each week at the time. An Apple paralegal complied and provided the information.


This year, a gag order on the subpoena expired. Apple said it alerted the people who were the subjects of the subpoena, just as it does with dozens of customers each day. But this request was out of the ordinary.


Without knowing it, Apple said, it had handed over the data of congressional staffers, their families and at least two members of Congress, including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., then the House Intelligence Committee’s ranking member and now its chair. It turned out the subpoena was part of a wide-ranging investigation by the Trump administration into leaks of classified information.


The revelations have now plunged Apple into the middle of a firestorm over the Trump administration’s efforts to find the sources of news stories, and the handling underscores the flood of law enforcement requests that tech companies increasingly contend with. The number of these requests has soared in recent years to thousands a week, putting Apple and other tech giants like Google and Microsoft in an uncomfortable position between law enforcement, the courts and the customers whose privacy they have promised to protect.


The companies regularly comply with the requests because they are legally required to do so. The subpoenas can be vague, so Apple, Google and others are often unclear on the nature or subject of an investigation. They can challenge some of subpoenas if they are too broad or if they relate to a corporate client. In the first six months of 2020, Apple challenged 238 demands from the government for its customers’ account data, or 4% of such requests.


As part of the same leak investigation by the Trump administration, Google fought a gag order this year on a subpoena to turn over data on the emails of four New York Times reporters. Google argued that its contract as The Times’ corporate email provider required it to inform the newspaper of any government requests for its emails, said Ted Boutrous, an outside lawyer for The Times.


But more frequently than not, the companies comply with law enforcement demands. And that underlines an awkward truth: As their products become more central to people’s lives, the world’s largest tech companies have become surveillance intermediaries and crucial partners to authorities.


文/Jack Nicas, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Katie Benner 莊蕙嘉/譯



本文報導美國前總統川普任內向科技公司要求大量資料,並以法院命令限制相關訊息公諸於世。具限制性質的法院命令有許多種,此處以美國法院為主,介紹幾個常見的命令。文中提到的gag order也稱禁口令,意指在法院審理期間,禁止公開或報導與案件有關的資訊。

restraint order為禁止令,也稱作protection order保護令,禁止可能發生的暴力、騷擾、虐待等行為,保護對象可為個人、企業甚至是政府,根據命令時效長短也分為緊急、暫時或一般保護令等。禁止令是injunction(禁制令)的其中一種形式,可視為法律補救措施,命令當事人暫時停止某種行為,違反者可能面臨刑事責任。

comply with意為act according to rules or requests,著重在服從「某些規定或要求」。

最後一段的more frequently than not為「多半」之意,frequently換成often亦可。

川普 紐約時報



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