
凌晨規模6.1地震 國家級警報響 氣象署:403餘震 還無法平靜結束

滯留鋒徘徊全台雷雨 吳德榮:今明兩天慎防對流致災

紐時賞析/化災難為新創點子 把二氧化碳變成「空氣香水」


As Catastrophes Loom, A Whiff of Innovation.

化災難為新創點子 把二氧化碳變成「空氣香水」

Carbon emissions — the villainous byproduct of so many industries — are the

greenhouse gas most responsible for climate change. The emissions play a key

role in our extreme weather patterns and in many of the general environmental

catastrophes that are becoming more and more frequent.


While capping carbon dioxide from being freely dumped into the atmosphere is

turning into a very long deliberation among our world leaders, capturing and

repurposing it is another option. And that alternative has proved promising

by Air Co., a 4-year-old startup that uses carbon dioxide in all of the

products it creates. Its latest creation is a perfume — Air Eau de Parfum

— and the first fragrance made largely from air.


Perfume involves an alcohol base, which when combined with a bit of water and

a measured ratio of fragrance oil becomes the juice that you spray onto your

pulse points so that you radiate whatever aroma you desire. Ethyl alcohol

(or ethanol) is most widely used because it’s inexpensive, smells neutral

and evaporates quickly, so it serves as an efficient delivery vehicle for

the fragrance oil.


What Air Co. is able to do is transform carbon dioxide into a very pure form

of ethanol. And with the addition of water and fragrance oil, you get perfume

made primarily from air.


“We believe that products are one of the best ways to educate people about a

much bigger story‚ and that story is climate change,” Gregory Constantine, a

founder and the chief executive of the company, wrote via email. “When

you’re able to create tangible products, it’s easier for people to

understand the power of technology and what we can do with our carbon

conversion technology.”


That technology was developed by Stafford Sheehan, a founder and the chief

technology officer of Air Co. After meeting in 2017, Sheehan and Constantine

teamed up to repurpose the most abundant greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide)

into products that are not harmful to the planet.


Air Eau de Parfum is the company’s third consumer product. It began with

spirits — a vodka in 2019 — and then a sanitizer spray in 2020, the year

of sanitizing hands.


The scent itself was formulated and blended by Joya Studio, a design studio

in New York that specializes in custom perfumes.


文/Sable Yong 譯/李京倫

氣候變遷 碳排放 紐約時報 酒精


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