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世界上的記者多到數不清,但你聽說過戰地記者嗎?112年國中英語會考的題組文章,提到Marie Colvin這位戰地記者,她為了報導付諸生命、讓世人們了解真相、一起阻止戰爭


※ Yvonne老師解題技巧


e.g. 第二題關鍵字:empathy

e.g. 文章關鍵字:Marie Colvin / reporter


Marie Colvin was a world-famous war reporter. She was born in New York, USA, in 1956 and died in Homs, Syria, in 2012.

When she was a student at Yale University, Colvin decided that she wanted to be a reporter in the future. She joined the Sunday Times, a UK newspaper, in 1985 and soon became its Middle East reporter. Besides the Middle East, she also reported from other parts of the world: Chechnya, Kosovo and Sri Lanka, for example. When she was reporting on the war in Sri Lanka, she lost her left eye. But that never stopped her. She still went to dangerous places that few reporters wanted to visit and stayed when others left.

Colvin showed great empathy in her stories. For her, war reporting was not just some quick interviews and a few photos. She wrote about real people and their real lives. Her writing made you feel so strongly about these people’s stories, just like they were your own. She hoped that through her work the world would understand what really happened in war, and would take action to stop the fighting.

On February 22, 2012, the day after she gave her report on the war in Homs, Colvin was killed when the house she was staying in was attacked. She always knew what price a war reporter might have to pay. She already lost an eye before. This time, she gave her life to the work she could not give up — telling the true stories to the world.

& war (n) 戰爭

(    ) 1. What is the reading mostly about?

(A) Marie Colvin’s war reports.

(B) Marie Colvin’s working life.

(C) Marie Colvin’s schooldays at Yale.

(D) Marie Colvin’s experiences in Homs.

(    ) 2. What does it mean when someone has empathy?

(A) They are good at taking war photos.

(B) They like to read other people’s life stories.

(C) They are able to understand how other people feel.

(D) They are good at helping people change their own lives.

(    ) 3. Which is true about Marie Colvin?

(A) The chance to study at Yale made her leave her job in the Middle East.

(B) The experience in Sri Lanka did not change her way of reporting news.

(C) She was killed in Homs when she was interviewing soldiers there for her report.

(D) She was not sure what to do in the future until she worked for the Sunday Times.


一起跟著 Yvonne 老師來探究Marie Colvin的故事吧!


★ 國中必學單字

1. reporter  (n.) 記者

2. be born  (v.) 出生 (bear-bore-born 生育)

3. lose  (v.) 失去 (lose-lost-lost)

4. few  (adj.) 很少;不多

5. story  (n.) 新聞報導

6. through  (prep.) 透過;利用

7. pay (v.) 支付;付出代價


★ 實用字彙片語

1. university  (n.) 大學

2. Middle East  (n.)  中東

3. empathy  (n.) 同理心;同感,共鳴

4. quick interview  (n.) 快速採訪

5. take action  (phr.) 採取行動

6. give one’s life to … (phr.) 將一生付諸於……


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B)


【Ai 學霸-小中高數位學習平台】國中英語3上(108新綱)適用112學年


【Ai 學霸-小中高數位學習平台】國中英語會考總複習(適用113年會考)


【Ai 學霸-小中高數位學習平台】英語常用單字2000課程


【Ai 學霸-小中高數位學習平台】免費試讀申請


【Ai 學霸-小中高數位學習平台】更多升學資訊




力宇教育 升學 戰爭 會考 素養 考題 英語


生在學霸世家 媽媽還是史丹佛教授 卻不愛讀書只想當明星》演員蜜兒:謝謝媽媽挺我追夢



北一女數資班、柏克萊資工系、灣區軟體工程師、新銳網紅YouTuber…「確實常被人家說,我是人生勝利組,不過,我從小就超級認真的,很自律,會給自己目標,然後一直前進。」Kelly Tsai說。

大學重考、端盤洗碗 他從「魯蛇」變大學教授:若孩子找不到學習動機和目標 就讓他去做這些事


赴美陪讀變身名廚、還學中醫 她:媽媽努力跳脫舒適圈 就是最好的身教


全職育兒16年重返職場 她53歲奪金鐘獎60歲開咖啡館:小孩的成長只有一次 我的人生也是


當了醫生卻脫下白袍追夢》作家楊斯棓:孝順 不代表要將父母的期待照單全收




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