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紐時賞析/前方吃緊後方「緊吃」 烏克蘭忙掃貪


Graft Continues to Be a Fight, and a Headache, for Ukraine

前方吃緊後方緊吃 烏國忙掃貪

The removal of Ukraine’s minister of defense after a flurry of reports of graft and financial mismanagement in his department underscores a pivotal challenge for President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s wartime leadership: stamping out the corruption that had been widespread in Ukraine for years.


Official corruption was a topic that had been mostly taboo throughout the first year of the war, as Ukrainians rallied around their government in a fight for national survival. But Zelenskyy’s announcement that he was replacing the defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, elevated the issue to the highest level of Ukrainian politics.


It comes at a pivotal moment in the war, as Ukraine prosecutes a counteroffensive in the country’s south and east that relies heavily on Western allies for military assistance. These allies have, since the beginning of the war, pressured Zelenskyy’s government to ensure that Ukrainian officials were not siphoning off some of the billions of dollars in aid that was flowing into Kyiv.


Zelenskyy has responded to the pressure from allies and criticism at home with a flurry of anti-corruption initiatives, not all of them welcomed by experts on government transparency. The most controversial has been a proposal to use martial law powers to punish corruption as treason.


Reznikov has not been personally implicated in the allegations of mismanaged military contracts. But the widening investigations at his ministry posed a first significant challenge for the government on anti-corruption measures since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.


“The question here is, ‘Where is the money?’” said Daria Kaleniuk, the executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center in Ukraine, a group dedicated to rooting out public graft that is now focused on war profiteering.


“Corruption can kill,” Kaleniuk said. “Depending on how effective we are in guarding the public funds, the soldier will either have a weapon or not have a weapon.”


That high-level cases of corruption are coming to light is positive, said Andrii Borovyk, director of Transparency International in Ukraine, rather than an indication of a nation bogged down by insider dealing. It shows that the country can fight the war and graft at the same time, he said.


“Scandals are good,” he said. “The war,” Borovyk added, “cannot be an excuse to stop fighting corruption.”


文/Andrew E. Kramer 譯/高詣軒



烏國總統澤倫斯基9月3日宣布將防長列茲尼科夫免職,被視為展示肅貪決心。Graft原指植物的嫁接或皮膚骨骼的移植,指「索賄」時為不可數名詞:another politician accused of graft.

Stamp當動詞有「跺腳、搗碎」之意,片語stamp out指阻止某件不好的事情繼續下去:We aim to stamp out poverty in our lifetimes.

Prosecute常指司法起訴,也指「持續進行」某項計畫好的團體活動,尤其是戰爭:He seemed convinced that the US would prosecute the war to its end.

Siphon是虹吸管,動詞意指用虹吸管吸取,本文片語siphon off指將特定用途款項挪作他用:He had been siphoning off money from the government for his own use.

Bog當動詞指陷入泥沼,片語bog down指沒有進度、動彈不得,常用被動語態。美國詩人佛洛斯特(Robert Frost)曾寫道:"The important thing is not to get bogged down / In what he has to do to earn a living."

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