紐時賞析/凱特王妃罹癌…王室記者籲媒體「住手」 但謠言仍未消失


In Britain, Tabloids Held Back for Once, But It Didn’t Matter.

英小報終於放過王室一次 但情況沒變

Days before Catherine, Princess of Wales, ended the wild speculation over her absence from public life by revealing that she is battling cancer, a top royal journalist appeared on British national television and delivered a stark message to the media: Knock it off.


“I think everyone just needs to give her a little bit of space,” Roya Nikkhah, royal editor of The Sunday Times of London, said on “Good Morning Britain.”


The idea of an editor at a Rupert Murdoch-owned publication scolding other journalists for nosiness may strike some as a bit rich. After all, London newspapers pioneered the celebri-fication of the House of Windsor, famously hounding the previous Princess of Wales, Diana, and exposing the most microscopic details of her and her children’s private lives.


In the case of Catherine’s recent whereabouts, however, the British press largely showed an unusual level of restraint.


Yes, they reported on the frenzy of rumors, but mostly in the guise of scolding social media users for spreading conspiracies. When the American outlet TMZ obtained a paparazzi photo of Catherine, who is also known as Kate, and her mother in a car, the London papers unanimously declined to publish it.


And once Kate’s cancer was revealed, British media were quick to assail their counterparts across the pond, accusing American tabloids and media figures of recklessly amplifying the more outlandish rumors.


The royal family and Fleet Street are a pair of British institutions whose fates and fortunes have long been entwined — and they are facing similar challenges in the new media age.


Gatekeepers who once controlled the official flow of information — be it palace press secretaries or tabloid editors — are increasingly powerless against the online tide. When it was first revealed that Kate had undergone abdominal surgery, Kensington Palace declared that it would not offer further updates about her condition. Britain’s royal correspondents, who have a long-term relationship with the future king and queen to worry about, mostly abided by that directive.


But both camps were flummoxed by the rampant misinformation that spread on the internet. The tabloids that once led the way in royal sensationalism — and are still grappling with a long-running phone hacking scandal — were now helpless to shut it down. And palace officials, reluctant to compromise Kate’s privacy, mistakenly believed the rumors would fizzle out.


The result was a narrative driven by online chatter that spun out of the traditional gatekeepers’ control.


文/Michael M. Grynbaum 譯/羅方妤




英式口語有that’s rich (coming from him/you etc)的用法:He accused me of being dishonest, which was a bit rich coming from him.

Fleet Street是英國全國性大報報社所在地,是英國報業的代稱,大寫,前面通常不加冠詞:He spent his entire working life in Fleet Street.而flummoxed則是困惑到不知所措,例如發生食物中毒,第一時間醫院醫師卻毫無頭緒:Doctors were flummoxed by the boy's symptoms.

動詞片語fizzle out有無疾而終,虎頭蛇尾的意思:The reform movement fizzled out because of poor leadership.

假消息 凱特王妃 梅鐸 王室 社群媒體 紐時賞析 英國


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