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Effective Governance and the Taipei Peace Treaty:

ROC Holds Sovereignty over Taiping Island

2024-02-01 02:52 United Daily News

Author: Lin Man-houng, Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

President Tsai’s possible visit to Taiping Island to preside over the completion of harbor dredging and port renovations this month has generated much discussion, especially as Tsai has not yet visited the island during her tenure as president. Some have mentioned the eleven-dash line map (or “Location Map of South Sea Islands”) in arguments concerning the island's sovereignty. In contrast, others have referred to the one-China principle within the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution. Different interpretations of the underlying issues of law have resulted in divergent recommendations for decision-making. An accurate understanding of the law, as provided by this article, can provide a solid foundation for government policy.

The eleven-dash line map was created by the ROC Navy between October and December 1946 under the order of Chiang Kai-shek to indicate several important islands in the South China Sea that were to be received from Japan. When Japan ruled Taiwan, Taiping Island was known as Nagajima and was included in the Shinnan Islands, which covered about two-thirds of today’s Spratly Islands. The Shinnan Islands were administered by Japan through Takao (Gaoxiong) Prefecture in Taiwan from 1939 to 1945. Nagajima was renamed Taiping Island after being received by the ROC destroyer escort of the same name.

The eleven-dash line map cannot serve as a legal basis for determining the sovereignty of islands in the South China Sea. In 1953, the People's Republic of China (PRC) occupied the Paracel Islands. To establish friendly relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the PRC removed two dashes near the Gulf of Tonkin, resulting in the nine-dash line map. However, the 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague concluded that the nine-dash line map cannot serve as a legal basis for sovereignty claims in the South China Sea.

The one-China principle in the ROC Constitution maintains that the ROC includes Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, with separate laws for the mainland yet to be enacted. Until the law for the mainland is created by the ROC, leaders in Taiwan must defend national sovereignty within the effective area of ROC governance and adhere to the ROC Constitution.

The relationship between Taiping Island and the ROC is significant not only because the island falls within the effective scope of ROC governance, like Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, but also because the sovereignty of all three was transferred to the ROC by international treaty. The treaty affecting the transfer was the Treaty of Peace between the Republic of China and Japan (also known as the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty and the Taipei Peace Treaty, TPT), signed in 1952 by the ROC and Japan.

The TPT was signed according to Chapter II, Articles 2, 4, and 26 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT). Article 2, Paragraphs 2 and 6 stipulate the renunciation of all rights, titles, and claims to the territories of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands (Formosa and Pescadores Islands in the Treaty), as well as the Paracel and Spratly Islands by Japan. At the beginning of treaty negotiations, Japan only intended to transfer sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu. The Paracel and Spratly Islands were included at the insistence of the ROC Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and deputy representative in treaty negotiations, Hu Ching-yu.

Hu transferred ROC diplomatic archives from the mainland to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War. After the ROC government gained rule over the South China Sea in 1946, numerous Japanese materials on the South China Sea were translated into Chinese. Deputy Minister Hu understood that the Spratly Islands formerly fell under Takao Prefecture. In negotiations with Japan, he pointed out that the transfer of sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu naturally should include the Spratly Islands. As for the Paracel Islands, although they fell under the administration of the Taiwan Government-General, their sovereignty belonged to the Wang Jingwei regime, a puppet government to Japan during World War II. After the war, Wang’s jurisdiction was handed over to the ROC government under Chiang Kai-shek, and the Paracel Islands were thus also included in the TPT.

Japan occupied the South China Sea in 1939 to serve as a springboard for “southern advance” from Taiwan to Southeast Asia. Japan built airports and docks on islands in the South China Sea to refuel airplanes and warships and meteorological and hydrological survey stations to assist in navigation. Because Taiwan was Japan’s closest territory to the South China Sea, when Japan took the South China Sea, it placed the Shinnan Islands under the jurisdiction of Takao and other islands under the administration of the Taiwan Government-General.

The ROC government recognizes the South China Sea's importance due to its experience in World War II. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries that initially ruled Southeast Asia planned multiple support routes for Chiang Kai-Shek (“en-Sho routes”) to prepare for a joint counteroffensive against Japan. In 1946, the ROC battleships that took control over islands in the South China Sea also received US support. At the time, the ROC government aspired to extend the US Pacific defense line.

President Chiang Kai-shek signed the TPT in 1952, making it national law as announced by the Presidential Office Gazette, and registered the treaty with the United Nations. Since that year, President Ma Ying-jeou, who proposed the South China Sea Peace Initiative in 2016, has been the only national leader to promote peace in the Asia-Pacific region and defend the ROC's rights in the South China Sea in international jurisprudence through the TPT. At this critical moment when national sovereignty and regional peace face severe challenges, current and future national leaders should manage Taiping Island through a similar approach to international law and gain control over international discourse regarding the South China Sea.

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