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Exploring Shoushan by Light Rail

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

【◎Written by Su Yu-ling ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photo by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of National Nature Park Headquarters, National Park Service, Ministry of the Interior】

 Exploring Kaohsiung's Pier-2 Art Center by light rail is becoming increasingly popular. People have also begun to enjoy the convenience of taking the light rail to Gushan Station and then going for a scenic stroll along the Kaohsiung Canal riverbank. The trailhead is located across the parking lot beside the Taiwan Cement's Gushan Factory(台泥鼓山廠). Kaohsiung City Government is also proud to point out that when traveling by light rail, people can enjoy the city's picturesque landscapes and contribute to a sustainable environment since the light rail is environmentally friendly and reduces carbon emissions.

Photo courtesy  of National Nature Park Headquarters, National Park Service, Ministry of the Interior
Photo courtesy of National Nature Park Headquarters, National Park Service, Ministry of the Interior
 The Shoushan entrance is located on Gushan Road. A cement wall marks the mountain trail's midway point, which was the former bulk material scale for Taiwan's first modern, large-scale cement plant, Taiwan Cement Corporation's(台灣水泥股份有限公司)Gushan Factory. In the distance are three lime kilns dating back to the Japanese colonial era. These architectural relics stand as a testimony to Kaohsiung's industrial development. Although the factory's operations ceased long ago, the city government, in partnership with Taiwan Cement (Gushan Factory), has been revitalizing the area and enhancing Shoushan's public accessibility.

 There are seven hiking trails on Shoushan, each offering varying degrees of challenging terrain. Visitors should select the ones that match their physical fitness level. If you head north from the Gushan Road trailhead, you'll find the area where the historical kilns can be viewed. To ensure visitors' safety, it is strongly advised not to cross over the yellow railings containing the kilns. Further along the trail is the former bulk material scale, where the limestone was previously crushed. Finally, visitors will arrive at the Four Banyans Viewing Deck(四棵榕景觀臺), which offers panoramic views of the urban landscape. Wildlife such as Formosan rock macaques(臺灣獼猴)and squirrels can often be seen along the trail along with fragrant plants.

 The trail between the Guotai Rest Stop (國泰休息站)and the Longcyuan Temple(龍泉寺)is not as clearly marked and is a little more physically challenging. Numerous pits and caves formed by coral reefs can be seen along the route. Shoushan National Nature Park(壽山國家自然公園)requires adventure enthusiasts to apply in advance, and permission must be granted in advance before entering the caves.

Shoushan National Nature Park Gushan Road Trail 壽山國家自然公園鼓山路步道口

No. 301, Wanshou Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City

Transportation: Take the LRT to Gushan Station

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