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Evening Exercise to Relax Mind and Body

【◎Written by Luo Jian-hong ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts】

 More and more people are exercising after dark to relieve stress.

Let's Roll Indoor Bowling Alley (滾吧LET'S ROLL室內保齡球)

 Bowling is a sport that strengthens the core muscles. The Let's Roll Bowling Alley on the second floor of SKM Park Outlets welcomes friends of all ages to come and try their hand at this thrilling indoor sport.

Museum Night Tours and Zoo Night Stays

 The Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts(高雄市立美術館)Night Tour is inspired by the torchlit night tours of 18th and 19th-century Europe. Participants carry flame lamps as they move through the exhibition spaces, appreciating artworks and glimpsing the museum in the dark.

 The two-day, one-night ecological camp at Shoushan Zoo(壽山動物園) includes a zookeeper experience, scavenger hunts, and a nighttime ecological tour. The camp is held indoors at the Animal Forest School; on the following day, participants embark on an adventure to the secret spots of Shoushan. The camp is open to elementary school and junior high school students.

Skateboarding Near Pier-2 Penglai Warehouses(駁二蓬萊倉庫)

 The empty space between Pier-2 Penglai Warehouses and the Kaohsiung Light Rail has a smooth surface, making it suitable for beginners to practice basic skateboarding and footwork.

Speed Rollerblading at Aozihdi Forest Park(凹子底森林公園)

 Rollerblading is a sport that exercises one's muscles and trains one's balance. This location is suitable for families hoping to enjoy the thrill of speed rollerblading.

Starry Night Ride on the Green Corridor

 The green corridor, a new feature that resulted from the relocation underground of the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) tracks, stretches from Zuoying to Fongshan District. Riding a bicycle at night through garden-like landscapes, decorated with street art murals and installations, creates a delightful and tranquil mood.

Let's Roll Indoor Bowling Alley (滾吧LET'S ROLL室內保齡球)

Directions: Take the LRT to Cianjhen Star Station (C3), and transfer to the Metro’s Red Line; take the Red Line to Caoya Station (R4A); leave by Exit 2, then walk for about five minutes.

Let's Roll Indoor Bowling Alley
Let's Roll Indoor Bowling Alley

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Directions: Take the LRT to Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (C21), cross the parking lot and walk along the trail for about ten minutes.

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Shoushan Zoo

Directions: Take the LRT to Wunwu Temple Station (C16), walk along Dagong Road to Gushan 1st Road, turn right for about 50 meters to the Taipower Building, then take bus #56 to the zoo.

Shoushan Zoo
Shoushan Zoo

Skateboarding Near Pier-2 Penglai Warehouses(駁二蓬萊倉庫)

Directions: Take the LRT to Penglai Pier-2 Station (C13) and walk for about one minute.

Speed Rollerblading at Aozihdi Forest Park(凹子底森林公園)

Directions: Take the LRT to Heart of Love River Station (C24), go directly across Aozihdi Forest Park, and walk for about 15 minutes.

Starry Night Ride on the Green Corridor

Directions: Take the LRT and get off at any stop between Gushan District Office Station (C17) and TRA Museum of Fine Arts Station (C20). At the latter, transferring to/from the TRA line is convenient.

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Community Revitalization along Provincial Highway 17

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Exploring Shoushan by Light Rail

 Exploring Kaohsiung's Pier-2 Art Center by light rail is becoming increasingly popular. People have also begun to enjoy the convenience of taking the light rail to Gushan Station and then going for a scenic stroll along the Kaohsiung Canal riverbank. The trailhead is located across the parking lot

Community Revitalization along Provincial Highway 17

Top 100 Young Fishers Jhang Bo-ren: From a Fisherman to an Entrepreneur  Kaohsiung's Mituo District(彌陀區), which has the sea on one side and Tadi Mountain(漯底山)on another, is regarded as a land of treasure by Jhang Bo-ren(張博仁), a third-generation local aquaculturist. With a background in clinical nutrition and bioengineering, he has improved the aquaculture environment and now promotes ecological aquaculture using pristine water without chemical additives.

Enjoy an Ecological Tour in Liouguei

Eighteen Arhats Mountain Natural Humanities Association supports small farmers and promotes environmental education  The Eighteen Arhats Mountain Natural Humanities Association(十八羅漢山自然人文協會)is helping local residents to receive professional training and certification, so they can provide guided tours, in-depth travel, and environmental education services in this protected area in Kaohsiung's Liouguei District.

Nibun Chorus Shines Again on the International Stage

 In July 2023, the Nibun Chorus(尼布恩合唱團)from Kaohsiung's Liouguei District(六龜)was awarded its second Gold Medal at the World Choir Games(世界合唱大賽)in the open competition. The members, mostly from the Pingpu and Bunun tribes, performed original works adapted from ancient tribal melodies. Their first gold medal was also at the World Choir Games in 2018.



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