
得知妹婿竟是車手頭涉詐騙被逮 余筱萍大笑後提出這要求

影/警政監林明佐涉洩密帶回中調組 副大隊長列證人請回

余苑綺老公涉詐欺遭警方逮捕 余天震驚「怎麼會這樣」

Enjoy a Romantic Dinner Date with Stunning Views of the City!


【◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photos courtesy of Pier No.1 Bar, Justin Zoo Bar, RAR BAR】

 Take the Kaohsiung Light Rail and embark on an intoxicating romantic date in the air!

 We have compiled a list of four unique sky bars where you can sip on signature cocktails while gazing at the brilliant starry night sky and take in the harbor city's panoramic night views.


WA-RA Japanese Restaurant (WA-RA日式餐廳)

 Led by renowned Japanese chef Masakazu Kudo(工藤將和), who once apprenticed under a Michelin two-starred chef, WA-RA showcases the culinary artistry of Japanese grilling, where the chef skillfully employs rice-smoking techniques to enhance the flavors of the dishes. The bar is elevated over 30 meters and offers two daily light shows. WA-RA assures an extraordinary dining experience, captivating your taste buds and elevating your overall sensory delight.


 Experience Taiwan's only high-altitude suspended poolside sky bar. Inspired by a futuristic Cyberpunk-style design, RAR BAR offers an instant escape from daily pressures. Enjoy cocktails while taking in dazzling harbor night views.

Pier No. 1 Bar
Pier No. 1 Bar

Pier No. 1 Bar
Pier No. 1 Bar

Pier No.1 Bar

 Discover a rare gem in Kaohsiung, an open-air high-altitude bar that offers panoramic views accompanied by live music performances. This venue is perfect for laid-back and enjoyable moments with friends, creating an ideal atmosphere for casual and relaxed social gatherings.

JustIn Zoo Bar
JustIn Zoo Bar

Justin Zoo Bar(JustIn 入吧)

 Discover a bar that is hidden behind a dessert shop. Beyond the limited-edition cocktails, immerse yourself in a unique experience where the bartender can craft a personalized drink tailored to your taste and mood.

WA-RA Japanese Restaurant (WA-RA日式餐廳)

Address: 5F., No. 33, Singuang Rd., Cianjhen Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center Station (C8) and walk along Singuang Road for about 9 minutes to the InterContinental Hotel.

WA-RA Japanese Restaurant
WA-RA Japanese Restaurant


Address: 24F., No. 189, Linsen 4th Rd., Cianjhen Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center Station (C8) and walk approximately 9 minutes to Tai Urban Resort.


Pier No.1 Bar

Address: No. 4, Jhongshan 1st Rd., Sinsing Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Heart of Love River Station (C24) or Cianjhen Star Station (C3), then transfer to the MRT Red Line, and get off at Central Park Station (R9) and head to Hotel Indigo.

Pier No. 1 Bar
Pier No. 1 Bar

Justin Zoo Bar(JustIn 入吧)

Address: No. 84, Wufu 4th Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Dayi Pier-2 Station (C12) and walk approximately 8 minutes along Dayi Street to the Wufu Road intersection.

Justin Zoo Bar
Justin Zoo Bar

█ Remember: Drinking is prohibited for people under 18. When you drink, don’t drive.

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Exploring Shoushan by Light Rail

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Community Revitalization along Provincial Highway 17

Top 100 Young Fishers Jhang Bo-ren: From a Fisherman to an Entrepreneur  Kaohsiung's Mituo District(彌陀區), which has the sea on one side and Tadi Mountain(漯底山)on another, is regarded as a land of treasure by Jhang Bo-ren(張博仁), a third-generation local aquaculturist. With a background in clinical nutrition and bioengineering, he has improved the aquaculture environment and now promotes ecological aquaculture using pristine water without chemical additives.

Enjoy an Ecological Tour in Liouguei

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Nibun Chorus Shines Again on the International Stage

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