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Indulge in Coffee and Delectable Desserts

Akau Coffee
Akau Coffee

【◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Hou Ya-ting, Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Akau Coffee】

 Take a delightful journey on the Kaohsiung Light Rail to discover these featured coffee shops, where you can savor scrumptious meals, exquisite desserts, and an array of enticing beverages.

Hai Coffee
Hai Coffee

Hai Coffee
Hai Coffee

Hai Coffee(海珈琲 海とコーヒー)

 Step into this antique building resonating with nostalgia, once home to a shipping brokerage company in the 1950s. Indulge in the rich flavors of the Japanese-style KONO poured-over coffee paired with handmade cinnamon rolls, canelé, and puddings. Hai Coffee is a haven for coffee and dessert enthusiasts.

Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop
Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop

Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop (九記 鹽埕食糖水)

 Transport yourself to the ambiance of Hong Kong in this elegantly designed space. Delight in authentic Hong Kong sweet soups crafted from sesame and almonds, with the black and white being reminiscent of a Tai Chi logo. Popular selections include red bean paste, simmered snow fungus soup, iced tea, and Mango Pomelo Sago.

Fifty -year-old Almond Tea Store
Fifty -year-old Almond Tea Store

Fifty-year-old Almond Tea Store(五十年杏仁茶)

 A venerable establishment in the Yancheng District, renowned as the first Taiwanese store to receive an international award . Indulge in various breakfast dishes and late-night snacks. The signature salad burger pairs perfectly with their traditional almond tea.

Akau Coffee(猻物咖啡)

Akau Coffee
Akau Coffee

 Nestled inside the Neiwei Arts Center, this coffee shop offers a peaceful retreat from the city's hustle and bustle. Experience signature coffees that blend local ingredients with innovative flavors, such as the "Guava Iced Americano" featuring guavas from Yanchao District, and the invigorating "Passion Fruit Americano" combining passion fruit with pineapple. Special flavors are available for a limited time only!

Hai Coffee(海珈琲 海とコーヒー)

Address: No. 26, Gushan 1st Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Hamasen Station (C14) and enjoy a leisurely 2-minute stroll.

Hai Coffee
Hai Coffee

Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop (九記 鹽埕食糖水)

Address: No. 23, Ln. 36, Yancheng St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Shoushan Park Station (C15) and enjoy a pleasant 10-minute stroll.

Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop
Kau Kee Sik Tong Shui Shop

Fifty-year-old Almond Tea Store(五十年杏仁茶)

Address: No. 223, Lainan St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City

Directions: Take the LRT to Wunwu Temple Station (C16) and embark on a delightful 9-minute walk.

Fifty-year-old Almond Tea Store
Fifty-year-old Almond Tea Store

Akau Coffee(猻物咖啡)

Address: No. 329, Makadao Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City,

Directions: Take the LRT to Neiwei Arts Center Station (C21A) and take a leisurely 2-minute stroll.

Akau Coffee
Akau Coffee

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