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Taiwan's Father of Sailing: Jhan Jheng-fong

Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Guangrong Elementary School
Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Guangrong Elementary School

【◎Written by Su Yin-huei ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Huang Jing-wun, Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Guangrong Elementary School】

 Jhan Jheng-fong(詹正峰), the 83-year-old executive director of the Kaohsiung Sailing Committee(高雄市帆船委員會), is wearing a sports sweatshirt and shorts, and has tanned skin all over his body. He has a solid and fit physique and a booming voice. It is hard to imagine that he accomplished the incredible feat of circumnavigating Taiwan counterclockwise in 60 days aboard RS Cat16 Catamaran(無引擎動力R16型雙船體帆船)just last August!

Photo by Huang Jing-wun
Photo by Huang Jing-wun
 Known as the “Father of Sailing in Taiwan,” he recalls his “love at first sight” for sailboats. His impassioned eyes cannot hide his genuine affection for watercraft. “Taiwan didn't have sailboats in 1972. I was abroad at the time, and I was captivated the instant I saw them,” he says. Although it was just a fleeting glance, it ignited within him an immense longing for the endless sea and the freedom it promises.

 From organizing competitions to establishing sailing clubs and advocating for open waters, Jhan Jheng-fong has come a long way. He has nurtured many talented sailors while making the sport of sailing more familiar to the public. He emphasizes that beginners should first understand the overall structure of a sailboat, and become familiar with the functions of the sail, ropes, pulleys, centerboard, and various components. They should understand the wind direction and currents, and then find suitable sailing locations. Once out at sea, they must learn to “sail with the wind,” to stay mentally agile, and to adapt to the ever-changing conditions of maritime navigation. Only through practical experience and accumulated knowledge can they safely return. He also advises: “Never underestimate the risks at sea. Don't be reckless with your life. The foremost criterion for any sport is safety. Without safety, no matter how enjoyable or thrilling the sport, it isn't worthwhile!”

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter
 He explains that Kaohsiung's stable climate makes it suitable for practicing sailing year-round, and with its rivers and ocean, it is an ideal place for developing the sport of sailing. Since his first encounter with sailboats in 1972, he has spent over 50 years frantically pursuing a life of sailing. He has not only worked relentlessly to promote open waters and water sports but has also left his footprints around the world through a series of voyages. A challenging 13-hour crossing of the Gulf of Thailand(暹邏灣)is one of his numerous accomplishments. He comes across as an ageless sailor, and through his actions, he aims to prove that determination can make the impossible possible!

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