
補充保費費率擬漲至3%衝擊存股族 涉及修法今年不會上路

賴總統就職後台海敏感 五角大廈促北京勿升級情勢

非裔校警離鄉背井10多年 美男大生幫募資非洲旅費


美國波士頓環球報(The Boston Globe)日前報導,幾名美國羅德島州普羅維登斯學院(Providence College)男大生,替老家遠在非洲奈及利亞的宿舍夜班保全莫迦吉(James Mogaji)上網募捐,為他籌措返鄉旅費,最後成功募到3000美元(約台幣9萬6000元)。






🛑please stop and take the time to watch and share this amazing display of unrelenting kindness and humanity at its best.🛑 now time for MY BRAGGING- My best friend Jess Reichert son Brandon is the most incredibly kind, thoughtful and generous soul. (Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree) I am once again blown away by Brandon’s God Given gift of always doing the right thing and recognizing what is truly important in this world- LOVE and KINDNESS. Brandon started a Gofundme for his overnight security guard James at his dorm building at Providence College. James has been wanting to visit his family in Nigeria for a long time, and Brandon along with all of the amazing students on his floor at PC began to raise money for James to get him home. Today they presented him with the trip. This act of kindness shows us all, that we are more alike than not. Brandon’s ability to always do the right thing and lead, show compassion and gratitude has been a highlight of my life watching him grow up into the amazing young man he is. On that note, I want to give Jess Reichert all the respect in the world for raising this boy as a SINGLE MOTHER and shaping him to be everything he is. For the countless sacrifices she has and continues to make and the obstacles she endures to make sure he has every opportunity to continue on his path we all could learn from as parents. This is also your payoff Jessie, everything that boy is, is ALL because of you! I al so proud to be your friend! I love you both so much!!! Let’s keep this going with a share! @wcvb5 @wpri12 @therhodeshow @abc6providence @channelkindness @thekindnessrocksproject #belikeBrandon #providenceCollege #gofundme #goviral #pcfriars #kindnessmatters

♬ original sound - Leah Quinn

宿舍 旅費 老家


美傳奇勵志男亞歷山大逝世 患小兒麻痺困「鐵肺」70年破紀錄

前女足門將趙麗娜直播遭網暴 粗口嗆黑粉

高中生跳火車月台救落軌七旬婦 台鐵:應先通知站務人員

「驚奇隊長」男星罹患漸凍人症 49歲去世


批川普跳票 拜登:富士康成騙局


紐時:華人買房被當國安威脅 佛州新法引發歧視疑慮


美挺巴學運未歇 2校畢典遭鬧場



美國空軍2日在加州愛德華茲空軍基地(Edwards Air Force Base)執行由AI控制的F-16戰機試飛,美國...

指控波音供應商無視瑕疵遭開除!吹哨人因病猝逝享年45歲 律師悲慟回應

半島電視台2日報導,一名指控波音公司供應商忽視737 MAX飛機生產存在缺陷的吹哨者,日前因病猝逝,享年45歲。

紐約警察在哥大等校園逮捕約300人 川普大讚「真好看」




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