
圖最右為永堯首席工程師。 圖/永堯 提供
圖最右為永堯首席工程師。 圖/永堯 提供


圖/永堯 提供
圖/永堯 提供



圖/永堯 提供
圖/永堯 提供


圖/永堯 提供
圖/永堯 提供

Amid significant changes in the global economic landscape and the increasing global attention on sustainable energy, Yongyao Energy Co., Ltd., located in Dacheng Township, Changhua County, officially inaugurated its Phase 1 solar power plant on June 20, 2023.

Occupying an area of 126,336 square meters, Yongyao Phase 1 has an installed capacity of 13,264.155 kW and is projected to generate an annual electricity output of nearly 20 million kWh, contributing to a reduction of approximately 9,700 metric tons of carbon emissions per year. This project represents a significant milestone in the nation's energy policy and signifies a crucial breakthrough in local economic development, creating employment opportunities for the local community.

Maiora, a distinguished renewable energy independent developer from Singapore, plays a vital role as a sponsor for Yongyao, facilitating investments and the development of renewable energy projects. Furthermore, as the collaborative engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC), partner for this solar plant, ACME (Acmepoint Energy Services) ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

The project in Dacheng Township, Changhua County, is a landmark project for Yongyao Company's commercial transformation. From the initial planning and construction to the subsequent maintenance, a significant amount of effort and resources have been invested.

This project is built in an area of subsidence in western Taiwan that is unfavorable for cultivation. It preserves 2 hectares of land for ecological purposes and closely collaborates with a local environmental ecology company, aiming to balance sustainable development and environmental protection.

The local community plays an important role in this project. Employment opportunities for the residents have been created during both the construction and operational phases. Also, through the implementation of this project, the local community’s awareness of this globalized environmental trend has been enhanced.

Maiora and Yongyao are both key stakeholders in Taiwan's solar energy industry, demonstrating unwavering commitment to promoting sustainable development. In the future, they will continue to seek innovative opportunities for growth and advancement, aiming to provide increasingly efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable energy solutions.

圖/永堯 提供
圖/永堯 提供

Maiora will also be participating in Energy Taiwan from October 18 to October 20, 2023, showcasing technological expertise and facilitating the exchange of green energy information with various stakeholders. The exhibition will be held at Hall 1 of the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, welcoming esteemed guests from diverse backgrounds to witness and learn from the latest advancements in the field.





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