紐時賞析/哈姆雷特改編成歌劇 難或不難?

聯合報 紐時賞析

‘To Be or Not to Be’: Is It the Question or the Point?

哈姆雷特改編成歌劇 難或不難?

“Hamlet” is our culture’s supreme emblem of a great artist’s freedom to

create something radically new. Shakespeare found a way to represent

the inner life as it had never been represented before: the pressure

of compulsive, involuntary memories; the haunting presence of a dead

father; a son’s angst in the wake of his mother’s remarriage; the

suicidal thoughts of a young person forced to make impossible

choices in a corrupt world.


The play, written in characteristically supple

iambic pentameter, has an unforgettable music

of its own, a set of rhythmic surprises sprung

in the opening spondee — “Who’s there?” — and

developed in a thousand different ways. It is

a music epitomized, even for those who have no

idea that “Hamlet” is composed in verse, by the

cadence of the most famous line in its most

famous soliloquy: “To be, or not to be: that

is the question.”


Now imagine the challenge of trying to write an

opera based on this of all plays — as Brett

Dean has done with his “Hamlet.”


A handful of composers, most notably Ambroise

Thomas in the mid-19th century, ventured into

this territory, but none of them managed to

penetrate very far into its forbidding depths.

That is, until Dean wrote his adaptation, which

captures something of the authentic “Hamlet”

music — in all its strangeness, dissonance and

haunting beauty.


The opera’s gifted librettist Matthew Jocelyn

reweaves the text, an intervention apparent from

the opera’s first moments. Hamlet enters alone

and, half-singing, half-speaking, intones the

words “or not to be … or not to be … or not to

be.” The fragment from the celebrated Act III

soliloquy is followed in this opening aria by

fragments taken from his other soliloquies, along

with a line — “What ceremony else?” — lifted

from a different character, Laertes, who speaks

it in Act V, at Ophelia’s grave.


When Hamlet asks the visiting players to give

him a passionate speech from their very best

play, they begin to sing “To be or not to be.”

And in Ophelia’s madness, she sings not her words

alone but words that Hamlet has spoken to her,

words that weigh like rocks dragging her down to

a muddy death. “The Hamlet Zone” is a place in

which words are broken up, transferred and shared,

and in which the voice of one character is woven

together, in both harmony and dissonance, with

that of another.


Such, after all, is the special power of opera.


文/Stephen Greenblatt 譯/莊蕙嘉



名列莎翁四大悲劇之首的《哈姆雷特》推出歌劇版。1980年代起開始成為文化研究顯學的「新歷史主義」(New Historicism)開山祖師,也是莎學權威的美國教授格林布萊特為文推介。惜受限於篇幅,紐時周報只能部分迻譯宏文,合先敘明。


類似的詞句在現代流行音樂中也有蹤跡可循。披頭四樂團(The Beatles)名曲Let It Be,字面譯為「讓它去」,作者保羅麥卡尼(Paul McCartney)表示靈感來自夢到亡母,了解創作背景後,就知道歌名「順其自然」的真意了。

哈姆雷特 莎士比亞 藝術家 紐時賞析

