紐時賞析/義大利山區小鎮疫情慘 民眾深信自然療癒

聯合報 紐時賞析

In Alps, Natural Remedies, and Covid, Thrive.

義大利山區小鎮疫情慘 民眾深信自然療癒

For the family of organic farmers nestled on the side of a snow-blanketed

mountain in Italy’s northern province of Bolzano, the coronavirus was no

match for the immunizing effects of the crisp alpine air, the invigoration

of a good hike and the healing powers of the forest’s mosses, herbs and



“If someone coughs, we do onion compresses, a body cream of thyme and

myrtle, and drink a lot of tea,” said Sabine Durnwalder, 37, an

unvaccinated resident of the farm in the scenic valleys near the border

with highly infected Austria. “I know how to protect myself.”


Bolzano has traditionally had the healthiest, fittest and most active

population in Italy. Now, it is also the area with the highest rate of

coronavirus infection. A traditional preference for natural remedies

has extended to a widespread rejection of vaccines, making it Italy’s

least vaccinated region.


Though officials have raised concerns regarding conspiracy theories and

disinformation about vaccines spread by right-wing populists, experts

here say the nature-loving and science-doubting health enthusiasts are

at the heart of a vaccine skepticism.


“The main reason is their trust in nature,” said Patrick Franzoni, a

doctor who spearheads the province’s vaccination campaign. “They don’t

understand that it is no help against COVID.”


With about 70% of the province fully vaccinated, Bolzano has the highest

number of coronavirus cases per 100,000 people in Italy, and the highest

share of intensive care unit beds occupied by coronavirus patients. All

of the patients in intensive care were unvaccinated, Franzoni said.


He said many patients arrive at the hospital with advanced cases of the

virus, increasing the likelihood that they will succumb.


Doctors in the area have long complained that they are often late at

diagnosing serious illnesses because the local population — which

consumes the least amount of pharmaceutical medications in the country

and has the lowest rate of tetanus, flu and hepatitis B vaccinations —

often wait weeks before calling an ambulance.


Durnwalder, the vaccine skeptic at the organic farm, argued that her

main contact with the outside world is with people who rent out apartments

at the farm, she said. Then, she said, she wears a mask and keeps her distance.


“If you trust yourself and nature,” said her husband, Markus Burgmann, 39,

throwing a snowball for the couple’s dog to fetch, “you should not be



文/Emma Bubola 譯/陳韋廷



歐洲再度淪為新冠疫情重災區,多國感染率創新高,疫苗覆蓋率不足是一大主因,除可歸咎反疫苗運動外,信奉natural remedies(自然療法)也是影響因素之一,該療法強調利用天然方法或物質來治療,remedy意指「治療方法」,衍生出「補教辦法、解決方法」等含意。


「群體免疫」的英文為herd immunity或者population immunity。Spearhead(打頭陣)可以當動詞或者名詞使用。例如:She spearheaded the campaign for better schools.或Her book was the spearhead of the clean water movement.

首段片語be no match for st/sb表示「遠比不上」,(lie)at the heart of something指「某物最重要的部分」。

義大利 疫苗 醫師

