紐時賞析/川普官司纏身 鐵粉仍不離不棄…選民比起道德更重政策?

聯合報 紐時賞析

Why Trump Gets Away With All Those Horrible Things

川普壞事做盡 為何卻不用負責

Those of us in the anti-Trump camp love to play the Horribleness Game.


Donald Trump does something horrible. We are righteously appalled. We send emails to our friends saying, “Did you hear about this horrible thing Trump said?” We click on articles that fulminate against the horrible thing. We watch TV shows in which the pundits emote shock and dismay at the horrible thing. We feel very morally superior about ourselves and very morally appalled by that horrible man. It’s very satisfying. In fact, it’s addictive.


But somehow the horrible thing — or even the sum total of all the horrible things — never seems to end Trump’s career. He’s still leading in the polls, especially in swing states. So then we switch to the Wait Until They Know Game. Wait until voters know the latest thing Trump said about immigrants. Wait until voters know what’s really in the indictments.


The ultimate dream of these games is that the Trump era will end with some massive moral disqualification. We’ll be morally vindicated. They will be morally disgraced. The people who play these games dream of that killer conviction. They dreamed that 14th Amendment clause would disqualify Trump from even being on the ballot.


The problem with these games is they don’t work. Trump is in his strongest political position ever. According to the latest New York Times/Siena poll, 97% of the people who voted for Trump would do so again, while only 83% of Joe Biden supporters say the same. Biden is losing ground among his most loyal constituency groups. In 2020, Biden won young adults by 24 points; now his lead is 12 points. He won Hispanics by 21 points but now trails by 6. There used to be a lot more Democrats in this country than Republicans, but now the two parties are tied.


That’s because many voters don’t see politics as a place to go for moral affirmation. They want to know who will create a good environment in which they can lead their lives, and right now they trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle the economy, to handle immigration, to be generally competent. It’s about policies.


There was a lot to like about Biden’s State of the Union address, but the most important thing was this: He understands that if you want to beat Trump, you have to show you have better policies that will improve people’s lives. It’s less emotionally satisfying, but it’s what people actually vote on.  


文/David Brooks 譯/周辰陽



選賢與能,古有明訓,但似乎僅限於古代,現在焦點擺在「能」(competent)上面,紐時專欄作家布魯克斯都承認,選民看待政治不是以道德掛帥(moral affirmation)。

這或許可以說明,壞事做盡(all those horrible things)的川普,依然可以安然無事。片語get away with something的意思是做了壞事卻能逃過懲罰,或僅受薄懲,不用承擔後果:The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it.



川普 拜登 美國大選 移民 紐時賞析 共和黨 民主黨

