紐時賞析/加拿大野火燎原 人民被迫拋棄家園逃生

聯合報 紐時賞析

‘Leaving Behind All They Own’ as Wildfires Ravage Canada

加拿大野火燎原 人民被迫拋棄家園逃生

Judy Greenwood did not want to leave. But when the evacuation alerts on her phone blared repeatedly and emergency officials knocked on her door, she and her husband loaded their four cats into the car and drove away from their rural hamlet to escape approaching wildfires.


In much of the western province of Alberta, this time of year has long been wildfire season. But this year, a large volume of fires in the boreal forest have come early and have been exceptionally extensive, leading the province to declare a state of emergency.


As of Tuesday morning, about 30,000 people had fled their homes in the sparsely populated, largely northern areas of the province as 89 active wildfires were burning across nearly 1 million acres.


There have already been 409 fires this season — which typically runs from March 1 to Oct. 31 — an unusually high number. And for residents of vulnerable areas, that has evoked uneasy memories of 2016, when raging flames moved from the forest into the oil sands capital of Fort McMurray, Alberta.


That conflagration forced the evacuation of more than 90,000 people, destroyed more than 2,400 homes and businesses, and disrupted production at the United States’ largest source of imported oil. At more than 4 billion Canadian dollars, it remains Canada’s most costly disaster.


As was the case during the Fort McMurray fires, many of the current evacuees, a group that includes thousands of members of First Nations communities, have sought refuge in Edmonton, the province’s capital and second-largest city.


Uncertainty plagues many evacuees. Thick smoke hanging over many areas has made it impossible to determine through aerial surveys the fate of many houses and other buildings.


“No question that this is a challenging time,” Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, told reporters Monday afternoon. “Tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes and their jobs. They’re leaving behind all they own, wondering if they will lose everything that they’ve worked for.”


Mike Ellis, Alberta’s public safety minister, told reporters that there were limits to what any government or agency could do to extinguish the fires. In past years, a change in weather has ultimately been the only force that has brought blazes under control.


“I let everybody know that because there is no silver-bullet solution in our response,” he said.


文/Ian Austen, Amber Bracken, Vjosa Isai 譯/陳曉慈




英國作家毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)在名著《人性枷鎖》(Of Human Bondage)中寫道:the blare of trumpets, the hooting of whistles, the hum of voices.對不同聲音的描述很細膩。Blare當名詞時也可指眩目的光線或色彩,例如a blare of sunlight flooded the room 一道刺眼陽光灑滿房內。

Premier作形容詞時指箇中翹楚,如world's premier authority on heart disease(全球心臟病權威);名詞指最高行政首長,總理首相,例如台灣的行政院長。英國、日本、印度用Prime Minister。Premier在加拿大和澳洲指省長。

Silver bullet源自西方民間故事中能殺死狼人或女巫的「銀子彈」,衍伸為複雜問題的簡單解方,靈丹妙藥。例如1930年代被發現的青黴素是醫治細菌感染的silver bullet。

加拿大 難民 紐時賞析

