紐時賞析/空汙讓颶風變多或變少 端看住處

聯合報 紐時賞析

Research Ties Aerosol Levels To Frequency Of Hurricanes

空汙讓颶風變多或變少 端看住處

Global warming can affect hurricanes, in part because a warmer ocean

provides more energy to fuel them. But it is not the only factor in

play: A study confirms that, for the frequency of hurricanes, the

effects of particulate air pollution are even greater.


Over the past four decades, the new research shows, the decline in

pollution in the form of tiny aerosol particles from transportation,

energy production and industry in North America and Europe was

responsible for the increased numbers of hurricanes and other

tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic.


Over the same period, increasing pollution from the growing economies

of India and China had the opposite effect, reducing hurricane

activity in the western North Pacific, the study found.


A growing body of research has shown links between tropical cyclones

and global warming.


The new study looked at the numbers, not the strength, of these kinds

of storms. Its author, Hiroyuki Murakami, said it shows that reducing

or increasing anthropogenic aerosols “is the most important component”

affecting frequency.


In recent decades, aerosol pollution has declined, perhaps by as much

as 50%, in North America and Europe as a result of laws and regulations

that reduce emissions from sources like vehicles and power plants.

Hurricane seasons in the North Atlantic over roughly the same period

have been more active, with a greater number of storms, than in

previous decades.


In the North Atlantic, Murakami found, the decline in aerosols led to

warming that had two effects on tropical cyclones. First, less

pollution resulted in more ocean warming, which meant there was more

energy for storms to form.


The pollution decline led to warming of the land as well, and the

combined warming affected atmospheric circulation, weakening winds

in the upper atmosphere. That in turn led to less wind shear, the

changes in wind speed and direction that can affect how cyclonic

storms develop. Less wind shear meant that storms formed more readily.


Murakami’s simulations showed a different mechanism at work in the

Pacific. There, he found, increasing aerosol pollution, largely from

China and India, led to cooling of the land surface. This reduced the

temperature difference between the land and ocean, weakening the

monsoonal winds that develop there. That, in turn, led to fewer

tropical cyclones, including typhoons, the Pacific equivalent of



文/Henry Fountain 譯/李京倫




本文提到風暴(storm)的不同名稱。在氣象學上,熱帶氣旋(tropical cyclone)最大持續風速達到每小時119公里以上,在北大西洋、北太平洋中部和東北太平洋稱為颶風(hurricane),發源於西北太平洋的稱颱風(typhoon),在南太平洋和印度洋稱熱帶氣旋。

與storm相關的慣用語a storm in a teacup[teapot, puddle]是英式英語,美式為a tempest in a teapot,均指大驚小怪。「茶壺內的風暴」在中文多指內訌。Take something by storm是在某處大獲成功或使特定一群人神魂顛倒:Jazz took London and Paris by storm in the 1920s.

旋風(whirlwind)也是新聞常見字,如美國總統拜登旋風式訪問(a whirlwind visit to)韓、日。A whirlwind romance之後可能就是「閃婚」(blitz/flash marriage)。

颶風 暖化 印度

