Enjoy a Nostalgic and Artsy Tour in Cishan

Photos by Carter
Photos by Carter

【◎Written by Winnie ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter】

 Cishan is Kaohsiung's “Banana Capital,” a town where you can embark on a nostalgic journey that blends retro charm and cultural creativity. At the town's only hand-carved seal shop, you can craft your own handmade stamp. Afterward, savor desserts in a historic house that embodies the allure of revitalized heritage architecture.

Sinying Seal Shop (Photo by Carter)
Sinying Seal Shop (Photo by Carter)
 Sinying Seal Shop(心影印房)is a century-old, family-run business specializing in hand-carved seals. The third-generation owner, Mr. Huang Ze-siang(黃澤祥), carries on the legacy of his grandfather and father by preserving the art of pure hand engraving. All three generations joined Cifong Poetry Society(旗峰詩社), where poetry writing and carving go hand in hand.

 Mr. Huang explains that mastering this craft requires proficiency in various calligraphy styles, with reverse lettering being the most challenging. Each seal is meticulously carved with a file, stroke by stroke. While machines have gradually taken over, the uniqueness of handmade engravings remains irreplaceable.

Wind Rises Hotel (Photos by Carter)
Wind Rises Hotel (Photos by Carter)
 Located near the old street, the Wind Rises Hotel(風起文旅民宿)occupies what was once the Dongyang Inn(東洋旅社). It stands very close to the site of the now-demolished Siantang Theater(仙堂戲院), a cultural hub in Cishan that hosted countless performance troupes and celebrities in the 1950s. To revive its former glory, the guesthouse owner initiated a restoration project. The blend of modern design with original elements like old tiles, terrazzo flooring, and vintage photos on the walls tells a story of bygone days.

Wu's Traditional Tofu Pudding (Photos by Carter)
Wu's Traditional Tofu Pudding (Photos by Carter)
 After exploring, head to Wu's Traditional Tofu Pudding(吳厝傳統豆花)for a delightful treat of sweet tofu pudding with adorable pig-shaped glutinous rice balls. Located in a red-brick ancestral home full of nostalgic charm, Wu's is the original home of Cishan's prestigious Wu family. Walking through its arched corridors feels like stepping into a time tunnel. It is a must-visit spot where architecture enthusiasts can admire the beauty of old structures while enjoying traditional desserts.

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