Exploring Kaohsiung Through Illustrations

【◎Written by Su Yu-ling ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos courtesy of Huang Siang, Chiaos Chiaos】
Illustrators Huang Siang and Chiaos bring Kaohsiung to life with their vibrant colors and distinct artistic styles.
Huang Siang(黃湘)
Christmas is Huang Siang's favorite holiday. In 2023, she designed the key visual that featured in Kaohsiung's Christmas and New Year's Eve Carnival. This year, her creative illustrations captured the joyful atmosphere of Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站), the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts(Weiwuying)(衛武營), and the Dream Mall(夢時代).
The station is her favorite place to go when she wants to explore the city. She shared, "You don't have to meet up with friends; just being here alone immerses you in the festive vibe." She views the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) and Dream Mall as spacious and welcoming venues that are perfect for enjoying winter festivities and celebrating Christmas in Kaohsiung.
Chiaos' illustrations specialize in depictions of Taiwanese folklore creatures and deities. He has practiced this unique artistic form since 2012. His publications include Taiwan Monsters(台灣妖怪地誌)and THE TALES from TAIWAN(妖怪画誌). While researching inspiration for his work, he has uncovered many local stories.
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