A Dreamy Coastal Sunset Journey

Hongmaogang Cultural Park (Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government)
Hongmaogang Cultural Park (Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government)

【◎Written by Winnie ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter ◎Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government】

 As 2024 draws to a close, leave your worries behind and welcome the new year with stunning coastal views at Hongmaogang(紅毛港), Cijin(旗津), or Mituo(彌陀). These remarkable destinations offer the perfect start to a new year, with a blend of tranquility and natural beauty set against stunning coastal landscapes.

Hongmaogang Cultural Park(紅毛港文化園區)

 This park beautifully blends history with modernity, inviting visitors to explore the once-thriving Hongmaogang settlement. Although the village has been relocated, its historical significance remains intact. Experience the past through its landscapes while strolling along the Skywalk, which has been repurposed from a coal conveyor belt that once belonged to a former power plant. For an unforgettable experience, don't miss the chance to dine at the 360-degree rotating restaurant, where you can enjoy breathtaking views of ships gracefully entering the harbor.

Cijin Love Gate (Photo by Carter)
Cijin Love Gate (Photo by Carter)

Cijin Love Gate(旗津鍾愛之門)

 Located in Cijin Seaside Park(旗津海岸公園), which stretches approximately 3km, Cijin Love Gate is a favorite spot for sunset viewing in Kaohsiung. The park has a charming international vibe, making visitors feel part of a global community. Nearby attractions include the Star Tunnel(星空隧道), recognized for its illuminated animations; the Rainbow Arch (彩虹教堂); and the Kaohsiung Lighthouse, which is the first lighthouse in Taiwan that is open for night visits. Start your romantic sunset journey here!

Mituo's Seaside Light Corridor (Photo by Carter)
Mituo's Seaside Light Corridor (Photo by Carter)

Mituo's Seaside Light Corridor(彌陀漁港海岸光廊)

 Mituo Fishing Harbor, once recognized as the most picturesque fishing port, features an S-shaped wooden walkway extending over the water, vividly painted sea walls, and lovely viewing platforms ideal for photography enthusiasts. Take a stroll down its sandy beach. There is also a playground for the kids. In the late afternoon, people gather to watch the sunset, which lights up the horizon and creates a feeling of excitement and anticipation.

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A Dreamy Coastal Sunset Journey

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