

【ALIEN Art Centre Exemplifies Green Low-Carbon Aesthetics

Photo by Cindy Lee
Photo by Cindy Lee

◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Cindy Lee】

Located near the Port of Kaohsiung, at the foot of Mount Shou, the ALIEN Art Centre(金馬賓館當代美術館)was once a temporary stop for soldiers before deployment to Taiwan's outlying islands. Transformed into an art hub, it has re-entered the daily lives of the city's residents.

Photo by Cindy Lee
Photo by Cindy Lee
The ALIEN Art Centre is a symbol of postwar architecture in Taiwan. Its renovation was guided by the principle of “restoring the building's historical significance.” Master craftsmen were hired to use traditional construction techniques, restoring the textures of the terrazzo and pebble wash surfaces. Special efforts were also made to source discontinued white ceramic tiles to recreate the original appearance of the building's corridors.

Photos by Cindy Lee
Photos by Cindy Lee
After its renovation, its concrete gray textures blend seamlessly with the surrounding forest landscape. Large floor-to-ceiling windows in the exhibition spaces invite natural light, allowing visitors to experience the changing play of light throughout the day. The architecture exudes a quiet elegance, while the exhibitions are interdisciplinary and diverse. History, art, and the natural environment blend seamlessly with one another, creating a serene utopia.

Photos by Cindy Lee
Photos by Cindy Lee
Responding to the global trend to reduce carbon emissions, the art center uses green or recycled building materials. The ALIEN All-Day Lounge on the second floor features locally sourced ingredients to reduce food miles, utilizes recycled construction materials to create plates, and practices green procurement, earning it certification as an eco-friendly restaurant. Until the end of this year, visitors can enjoy a discounted exhibition ticket price of NT$50 by taking Kaohsiung's Circular Light Rail to Shoushan Park Station and checking in on Facebook or Instagram at the ticket booth. We invite you to experience a low-carbon cultural journey.

Photos by Cindy Lee
Photos by Cindy Lee

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【ALIEN Art Centre Exemplifies Green Low-Carbon Aesthetics

Located near the Port of Kaohsiung, at the foot of Mount Shou, the ALIEN Art Centre(金馬賓館當代美術館)was once a temporary stop for soldiers before deployment to Taiwan's outlying islands. Transformed into an art hub, it has re-entered the daily lives of the city's residents.

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