Take the Metro to Gangshan for a Culinary Journey

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

【◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter】

 Gangshan Station (RK1) on the Kaohsiung Metro’s Red Line is now officially open. Travelers can conveniently reach Gangshan’s downtown and indulge in a culinary feast by taking the metro and then transferring to a YouBike or bus.

◎Temperature Studio(溫度劑)

 Located on Gangshan Street, late-night private kitchen Temperature Studio has been included in the latest Michelin Guide. It offers a no-menu dining experience with just six counter seats. Chef Li You-jyun (Alen)(李宥均), who developed a love for cooking in junior high school, gained his fine-dining experience in Taipei. He selects fresh ingredients daily, often incorporating local Gangshan specialties such as longan honey and fermented bean paste into his dishes, serving refined home-style cuisine. He says, “I want everyone to experience different cooking techniques in a way that feels approachable and not overly luxurious.” This has attracted gourmet visitors from as far afield as Taipei who make day-trips to Gangshan just to dine here.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

◎Dechang Mutton Hotpot(德昌羊肉)

 Established in 1944, Dechang Mutton Hotpot has been a pioneer in the Gangshan lamb trend, nourishing generations of area residents. Fourth-generation owner Syu Ding-lian(許鼎濂)returned to help run the family business during his first year of college. After countless failures and training, he has mastered a wok technique to stir-fry tender lamb with shacha sauce, bringing out the unique nutty aroma of the shacha powder, making it irresistible to eat. Another popular dish is lamb ribs marinated with traditional Chinese medicine. The meat is soft and tender, but due to high demand it is only available in limited quantities.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

◎Long Ji Meat Pie(龍記餡餅)

 Long Ji offers only pork-flavored meat pies, a snack that many people in Gangshan have enjoyed since childhood. The dough is rolled and filled on-site, then half shallow-fried before being half pan-fried in oil. The filling is fresh, sweet, and full, mixed with the aroma of green onions. The golden, crispy crust is chewy with a nice bite. In addition to being highly affordable, it is delicious even when eaten without the dipping sauce.

Photo by Carter
Photo by Carter

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