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100 Years of the Good City: The Centennial of Kaohsiung's City Status

Photo by Chang Chien Cheng-en Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Photo by Chang Chien Cheng-en Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government

【◎Written by Su Yu-ling ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Chang Chien Cheng-en ◎Photos courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts】

In 1920,Takao was renamed Kaohsiung, and in 1924, what had been known as “Kaohsiung Street” was officially given city status. Over the past century, Kaohsiung has been transformed from a small coastal town into a bustling industrial metropolis. Today, Kaohsiung thrives as an international tourist destination and a sustainable cultural city.

Photo by Chang Chien Cheng-en Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Photo by Chang Chien Cheng-en Photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Kaohsiung City Government's “100 Years of the Good City”(百年好市)celebration is a series of electrifying activities to mark the city's century-long transformation and achievements. The “Good City Tour”(好市遶境)features four main themes — industry, sea, railways, and history — organized into 13 routes. These guided tours showcase the natural beauty of the mountains and the sea, as well as local industries. Highlights include visiting yacht builders, exploring Wanshan indigenous village(萬山部落)with a hunter as a guide, and touring the Cijin and Gushan areas from the perspective of John Thomson(約翰·湯姆生), a renowned photographer who traveled through Kaohsiung in the late 19th century.

Top photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts; bottom photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Top photo courtesy of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts; bottom photo courtesy of Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
In addition to the featured tours, the “Focus Venues” series invites the public to explore Kaohsiung's cultural heritage sites. In October, the Confucius Temple in Zuoying District(左營孔子廟)hosted performances of intangible cultural assets such as Hakka Ba-Yin, Nanguan, and the Liangsan troupe. The British Consulate at Takow(打狗英國領事館)featured an interactive archaeological theater for families. To celebrate both the 84th anniversary of Shoyoen(逍遙園)and the 4th anniversary of its restoration, this colonial-era relic recreated the “Shoyoen Banquet” originally hosted by its owner, Ōtani Kōzui(大谷光瑞). This unique fusion dining experience featured local ingredients, floral arrangements, tea ceremonies, and music, blending Japanese and Western culinary traditions.

Over the past century, Kaohsiung has embraced heritage and innovation. The “100 Years of the Good City” events, running from now until December, are showcasing the charm of the city and inviting you to explore the growth and transformation of Kaohsiung.

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