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Chuang Chih-yuan and Kao Cheng-jui: A master and his apprentice compete in the Paris Olympics together!

【◎Written by Yu Fei, Chen Ting-fang ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos courtesy of Coach Jhuang Jhih-syong, Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government】

 Taiwan's Table Tennis champion Chuang Chih-yuan(莊智淵)has made it into his sixth Olympics and is leading the Taiwanese table tennis team to compete against the world's best players. His apprentice, Kao Cheng-jui(高承睿), will also be competing in the men's singles. For him, it is symbolic of passing the torch on to the next generation.

Olympic athlete Chuang Chih-yuan (Photo courtesy of Coach Jhuang Jhih-syong)
Olympic athlete Chuang Chih-yuan (Photo courtesy of Coach Jhuang Jhih-syong)
 Born in Kaohsiung, Chuang Chih-yuan comes from a table tennis family. When he was young, he would play against his parents and brother. At seventeen, he was already on the national team and brought home numerous medals from international competitions. In 2004, he competed in the men's singles in his first Olympics in Athens, where he made it to the quarterfinals. At the 2012 London Olympics, he reached the semifinals, at that time the best-ever achievement by a Taiwanese in the men's singles table tennis.

 "An athlete's personality on the court reflects their style," explains Chuang Chih-yuan, who is known for his rapid, powerful shots, which put a lot of pressure on his opponents. Despite his extensive experience, Chuang maintains high spirits on the court and still stays in top form.

 In 2008, he founded the Chihyuan Table Tennis Training Center(智淵兵乓運動館)in Gushan. He has coached numerous adult and young national players. Among them is 19-year-old Kao Cheng-jui, who will be accompanying him to the Olympics to make his debut this year. He hopes to continue his mentor's legacy in the men's singles.

Olympic athlete Kao Cheng-jui (Photo courtesy of Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government)
Olympic athlete Kao Cheng-jui (Photo courtesy of Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government)
 Kao Cheng-jui is currently the world’s 32nd-best table tennis player. After graduating from elementary school, he moved to Kaohsiung to study under Chuang Chih-yuan. Known for his steady style, he has been on the national team for several years. In 2022, he made history as Taiwan's first male player to win a silver medal in the 19-year-old singles at the Asian Junior Table Tennis Championships(亞洲青少年桌球錦標賽).

 Although there is a 24-year age gap, Chuang Chih-yuan and Kao Cheng-jui are currently training together for the Olympics. They are focusing on refining their technics in a daily training regime. Chuang Chih-yuan is delighted that he can pass on his experience to the younger generation. "I am excited about competing in the Olympics with my little friend,” he exclaims. Like the other athletes, Kao Cheng-jui is determined to heed his master's advice, play his best in every match, and bring glory to Taiwan.

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Chuang Chih-yuan and Kao Cheng-jui: A master and his apprentice compete in the Paris Olympics together!

 Taiwan's Table Tennis champion Chuang Chih-yuan(莊智淵)has made it into his sixth Olympics and is leading the Taiwanese table tennis team to compete against the world's best players. His apprentice, Kao Cheng-jui(高承睿), will also be competing in the men's singles. For him, it is symbolic of passing the torch on to the next generation.

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