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Ride the Light Rail into Kaohsiung's Green Fantasy

Photo by Huang Jing-wun
Photo by Huang Jing-wun

【◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photo by Huang Jing-wun】

 On the Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit (LRT), you can roam across the city between early morning and late evening. If the beauty of the line's Totoro Tunnel has captivated you, then come and be one of the first to see the recently unveiled Green Giant Tunnel.

 Construction of the Kaohsiung LRT commenced in 2013. Following a decade of work, and the commencement of services along one lengthy segment in 2017, the entire Circular Line was opened to the public on New Year's Day 2024. This was not only a great step forward in terms of public-transportation equality for those living in different parts of the city, but also a significant milestone in the country's green transportation. In the future, with the addition of the Yellow Line of the metro, the Gangshan-Lujhu extension line(岡山路竹延伸線), and the Siaogang-Linyuan line(小港林園線), Kaohsiung's transportation network will make life even more convenient.

Photo by Huang Jing-wun
Photo by Huang Jing-wun
 The LRT connects many of the city's attractions, including the Great Harbor Bridge(大港橋)near Dayi Pier-2 Station(駁二大義站),Love River Bay(愛河灣)near Love Pier Station(真愛碼頭站), Totoro Tunnel near TRA Museum of Fine Arts Station(美術館站), and the European-style urban landscape between Wucyuan Elementary School Station(五權國小站)and Kaisyuan Wuchang Station(凱旋武昌站). In addition, the much-anticipated Sinshang Elementary School Station(新上國小站) to Shu-Te Home Economics & Commercial High School Station(樹德家商站)section features the Green Giant Tunnel, surrounded by towering rain trees (Samanea saman) that make it a must-visit spot for photography enthusiasts.

 When designing the section from TRA Museum of Fine Arts Station to Neiwei Arts Center Station(內惟藝術中心站), preserving and incorporating existing trees was a priority. The tracks are cleverly placed within an existing grove of large Madagascar almond trees (Terminalia mantaly H. Perrier), creating a shady corridor approximately 500m long and reminiscent charming scenes in Studio Ghibli(吉卜力)animations from Japan.

 The same design ethos was applied to the section from Sinshang Elementary School Station to Shu-Te Home Economics & Commercial High School Station. The track area features grass paving, preserving 318 mighty rain trees along Dashun Road, creating a unique Green Giant Tunnel rich in lushness and shade. The platforms at each station also showcase clever ideas, with the theme of “Five Blessings Coming to the Door” – symbolizing good fortune with the bat, prosperity with the deer, longevity with the crane, happiness with the magpie, and wealth with the cat. This not only allows passengers to experience the unique beauty and blessings of Kaohsiung while waiting for the train, but also adds a distinctive artistic atmosphere to the city.

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Enjoy Exciting Water Sports in Summer

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