紐時賞析/川普喊遣返百萬非法移民 宏都拉斯威脅驅逐美軍

Honduras Threatens to Expel U.S. Military as Latin America Gears Up for Trump Deportations
Honduras’ president threatened to push the U.S. military out of a base it built decades ago in the Central American country should President-elect Donald Trump carry out mass deportations of immigrants living illegally in the United States.
The response by President Xiomara Castro of Honduras on Wednesday was the first concrete pushback by a leader in the region to Trump’s plan to send back millions of Latin American citizens living in the United States.
The threat came as Castro and Mexico’s president, Claudia Sheinbaum, also called a meeting of foreign ministers later this month to address the deportation issue.
“Faced with a hostile attitude of mass expulsion of our brothers, we would have to consider a change in our policies of cooperation with the United States, especially in the military arena,” Castro said.
“Without paying a cent for decades,” she added, “they maintain military bases in our territory, which in this case would lose all reason to exist in Honduras.”
Honduras’ foreign minister, Enrique Reina, said afterward that Honduras’ leader had the power to suspend without the approval of the country’s Congress a decades-old agreement with the United States that allowed it to build the Soto Cano air base and operate America’s largest military task force in Central America from there.
The move would present grave risks for the small country, which depends on the United States as its largest trading partner and a source of humanitarian aid.
A spokesperson for the Trump transition team, Brian Hughes, responding to Castro’s warning, said in a statement: “The Trump administration looks forward to engaging our Latin American partners to ensure our southern border is secure and illegal immigrants can be returned to their country of origin.”
Trump promised to swiftly deport those living in the country without legal permission when he took office, but his transition team has not shared any concrete plans, leaving Latin American governments guessing even as they try to prepare.
文/Annie Correal 譯/羅方妤
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