紐時賞析/川普當選、俄反對派內訌 「反普亭」勢力分裂情況加劇
Infighting Tarnishes Opposition to Putin
俄反對派內訌 削弱反普亭勢力
It was the largest East-West prisoner swap since the Cold War, with a Russian assassin and seven others returned to Moscow in August in exchange for 16 prisoners who had run afoul of President Vladimir Putin.
Among those released by Russia were four political prisoners and three people with ties to the country’s most prominent opposition figure, Alexei Navalny, who died in prison in February. The deal seemed poised to breathe new life into a fractured movement that had struggled to exert influence in the aftermath of Navalny’s death.
But months later, there are signs that the Russian opposition movement has never been more divided.
The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president has further complicated the effort. Trump has expressed admiration for Putin and suggested that he would end U.S. support to Ukraine in its war against Russia. If Trump takes a benevolent stance toward Russia, it could further insulate Putin from criticism.
In September, Navalny’s organization made a shocking accusation: that another Putin critic in exile had organized an assault with a hammer on Leonid Volkov, Navalny’s former chief of staff, in Lithuania in March.
The accusation opened floodgates of criticism among Russian activists living in the West, with some prominent figures accusing Navalny’s aides of trying to silence any voices that might compete with them for leadership of the opposition.
Two weeks after the accusation, an anti-Putin campaigner, Maxim Katz, accused the Navalny team of receiving funds from people accused of fraud, and even elevating one to register the group’s legal entity in the United States.
“You have squandered Navalny’s legacy,” Boris Zimin, a Russian businessperson in exile who had been one of the Navalny group’s biggest donors, wrote in a Facebook post directed at Navalny’s exiled aides.
Alexei Venediktov, the former editor of Ekho Moskvy, a popular radio station that was shut down by the government after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, lamented the fissures in the opposition.
“This is a competition to show the West who the real leadership of the Russian opposition is,” said Venediktov, a former subject of investigations by the Navalny group’s anti-corruption unit.
文/Valerie Hopkins 譯/羅方妤
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