紐時賞析/數百萬人依賴樹木維生 全球38%樹種面臨滅絕危機

Extinction Looms for More Than a Third of Tree Species, a Study Finds
More than one-third of the world’s tree species are threatened with extinction, according to the first comprehensive assessment of trees by the world’s leading scientific authority on the status of species.
The findings, announced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, are especially sobering given the amount of life that trees sustain. Countless species of other plants, animals and fungi rely on forest ecosystems. Trees are also fundamental to regulating water, nutrients and planet-warming carbon.
“Trees are essential to support life on Earth through their vital role in ecosystems, and millions of people depend on them for their lives and livelihoods,” Grethel Aguilar, director-general of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, said in a statement.
The tree assessment is considered comprehensive because it includes more than 80% of known tree species. In all, 38% were found to be at risk of extinction. More than 1,000 experts from around the world contributed.
Island biodiversity is particularly vulnerable, in part because those species often have small populations that exist nowhere else, and island trees accounted for the highest proportion of trees threatened with extinction. In Madagascar, for example, numerous species of rosewoods and ebonies are threatened. In Borneo, 99 species in the family of trees called Dipterocarpaceae are imperiled. In Cuba, fewer than 75 mature individuals of the red-flowered Harpalyce macrocarpa, known in Spanish as maiden’s blood, remain.
報告指出,島嶼的生物多樣性特別脆弱,部分原因是這些物種通常族群數目較小,也沒有出現在其他地方;在瀕臨滅絕的樹木中,以島嶼樹木的占比為最高。例如,在馬達加斯加,多種紅木與烏木樹種面臨滅絕威脅;在婆羅洲,名為龍腦香科的樹木家族中約99個樹種陷入危機;在古巴,西班牙語稱為少女之血的紅花植物 Harpalyce macrocarpa,其成熟個體剩不到75株。
Around the world, the biggest threats to trees are agriculture and logging, followed by urbanization, said Emily Beech, head of conservation prioritization at Botanic Gardens Conservation International, a nonprofit group that led the research now included in the Red List.
For temperate regions, pests and diseases are major threats to trees. Climate change is an emerging threat, Beech said, and it’s unclear how warming will affect the majority of tree species.
The group announced the findings in Cali, Colombia, where government representatives and other participants from countries worldwide have gathered for the United Nations biodiversity conference, which is held every two years. Now in their second week, negotiations are bogged down in tensions over how countries that are poorer economically but often wealthier in biodiversity are going to pay to conserve and restore nature instead of extracting resources.
文/Catrin Einhorn 譯/江昱蓁
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