紐時賞析/巴菲特為報業宣判「死刑」 另一富翁卻反操作投資地方報紙
Meet the Florida Billionaire Who Wants to Be a Newspaper Baron
The newspaper industry has decayed so much in recent years that even Warren Buffett — the world-famous investor whose annual meetings have included a newspaper toss — has declared the business “toast.”
But another billionaire is placing a counterintuitive bet that local newspapers aren’t dead yet. David Hoffmann, a Florida investor worth $1.6 billion, who has purchased more than 5% of Lee Enterprises, one of America’s largest newspaper companies, wants to buy up a controlling stake.
Hoffmann, 72, acknowledged that investing in local newspapers in 2024 is a somewhat quixotic proposition. But he said he believes print newspapers are “a key part of the American fabric.” He also thinks Lee Enterprises is undervalued by the stock market and a smart financial bet.
“These local newspapers are really important to these communities,” Hoffmann said.
Hoffmann is a relative newcomer to the struggling newspaper industry. The founder of DHR Global, an executive search firm, Hoffmann parlayed his early success into a sprawling hodgepodge of companies including Mitch’s Cookies, Oberweis Dairy, the Florida Everblades minor league hockey team and Linstol, a manufacturer of in-flight airline amenities like blankets and headsets. His family of companies, based in Naples, Florida, also includes a media group that has accumulated a handful of small newspapers, including the Mackinac Island Town Crier on Mackinac Island in Michigan and Northern California’s Napa Valley Register, a former Lee newspaper.
對於艱難的報業,霍夫曼是個相對新手。身為高階人才搜尋公司DHR Global創辦人,霍夫曼將自己的早期成功增值為一個龐大的公司大雜燴,包括米契餅乾、奧伯維斯乳品、職業冰球小聯盟冰刀隊,以及林斯托公司,這是一家毛毯與耳機等航空公司機上配備製造商。他的公司集團總部位於佛州那不勒斯,也包含一家媒體集團,已積聚一些小型報紙,包括密西根州麥基諾島的麥基諾島鎮傳報,以及前李氏報紙、北卡羅來納州的納帕谷登記報。
According to a securities filing last week, a trust connected to Hoffmann’s family paid roughly $4 million for a 5.2% stake in Lee Enterprises, the fourth-largest newspaper chain in the country. The company, based in Davenport, Iowa, owns roughly 75 newspapers in 26 states, including the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and The Buffalo News — which it bought from Buffett’s BH Media Group in 2020.
But Hoffmann wants to go bigger. He said his motivation was simple: He wants to preserve community news — including more local sports coverage.
Lee Enterprises, which has nearly $500 million in debt, lost roughly $3.7 million last quarter. The company has cut costs in recent years, including furloughing and laying off journalists, to offset declines in advertising and subscription revenue.
文/Benjamin Mullin 譯/周辰陽
要不是貝佐斯不准華盛頓郵報以社論支持賀錦麗參選美國總統,恐怕沒有太多人會注意到報紙的(不)重要性。導言用decay形容報業近年來的衰敗,這個字指自然腐敗,也形容每況愈下:Popular cinema seems to have decayed.俚語be toast指倒大楣、完蛋:If you challenge her, you’re toast.或His career is toast.
儘管華爾街股神巴菲特宣判報業「死刑」,仍有人不信邪。原意「男爵」的baron在新聞英文指某個產業的大亨,同義字包括tycoon或mogul:movie/media/oil mogul. 相較之下,baron屬於老派用法,紐時選用此字搭配報紙,有其用意,也帶貴氣。
Counterintuitive和quixotic形容買下報紙準備大顯身手是不按牌理出牌、充滿希望但不切實際的舉動:This ended in a quixotic campaign for statehood.縱觀中東現狀,是否在預告巴勒斯坦建國的前景呢?
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