紐時賞析/以哈戰爭美低調提供情資 助營救人質、緝捕哈瑪斯領袖

U.S. ‘Fusion Cells’ Assist in Israel’s Hunt for Hamas Leaders
美低調提供情報 助以緝捕哈瑪斯領袖
Days after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, the Pentagon quietly dispatched several dozen commandos to Israel to help advise on hostage recovery efforts, U.S. officials said.
Those troops from the Joint Special Operations Command were quickly joined by a group of intelligence officers, some working with the commandos in Israel and others back at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
For more than a year much of the attention, and criticism, around U.S. support for Israel has focused on the U.S.-made bombs and weaponry Israel has used to attack the Gaza Strip.
But the intelligence assistance to Israel has also been crucial. U.S. intelligence helped locate the four hostages who were rescued by Israeli commandos in June.
And from nearly the beginning of the war, the U.S. military and intelligence cells were focused not just on looking for hostages, but also hunting for the top leaders of Hamas.
U.S. top brass is not claiming credit for the Israeli operation that killed Hamas’ leader Yahya Sinwar, an architect of the Oct. 7 attack. But they note that their intelligence aided the hunt.
Defense Department officials have insisted that they are not directly supporting Israeli military operations on the ground in Gaza, a campaign that has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and reduced the territory to rubble.
But the search for top Hamas leaders was different, officials said.
U.S. officials said senior White House officials regularly met with CIA Director William Burns and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about what more support the targeting cells might need to speed the hunt for Sinwar.
In the end it was a random Israeli unit on patrol in southern Gaza that discovered Sinwar.
Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, said Thursday that no U.S. forces had been directly involved in the operation that killed the Hamas leader. “This was an Israeli operation,” he said.
But, U.S. officials insist, the United States helped collect intelligence that helped the Israeli military narrow its search.
In the weeks after Hamas killed a group of hostages in the tunnels below Rafah in southern Gaza, U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies had focused on the area, believing that could be where Sinwar was hiding.
文/Julian E. Barnes, Eric Schmitt and Helene Cooper 譯/羅方妤
美國在中東衝突中堅定站在以色列這一邊是很清楚的,除了有形的軍火,還包括情報蒐集,找出敵人首腦的藏身處。標題的Fusion Cells常指跟反恐或反詐騙有關的單位,cell在本文是大型政治、宗教團體中,規劃(暴力)行動的秘密小組:a terrorist cell/a communist cell.
Artificial intelligence (AI)是人工智能,military intelligence則是軍事情報,intelligence agencies/services是情報機關,intelligence operations/sources/reports也是常見的詞彙。
Top brass是高層,尤其是軍方高層,不可數名詞但可用複數動詞:The meeting was attended by top diplomats and military top brass.功成不居(not claiming credit for),credit是嘉許:to get/deserve/receive/take/claim the credit,不可數,介係詞用for:Credit for this win goes to everybody in the team.
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