‘Climate-Friendly’ Meat? Regulators Tighten Scrutiny of Label Buzzwords.
“Climate-smart.” “Regeneratively grown.” “Sustainable.”
If you’re wondering about all those labels on meat and poultry at the grocery store, so too, it turns out, is the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The agency, in an update to its industry guidelines published this week, signaled that it’s paying closer attention to how companies back up the new environmental buzzwords and said it “strongly encourages” meat and poultry purveyors to get those claims verified by independent third parties.
Food companies have long had to get USDA approval for their labels. That has applied to terms such as “cage free” eggs or “grass fed” beef. The last update to the guidelines was in 2019.
In this week’s update to the guidance, the USDA took note of some of the latest environment-related marketing claims, such as “climate-friendly.” It said it “strongly encouraged” meat producers to provide the USDA’s food-safety arm with “data or studies to support environment-related claims on their label.”
The agency said third-party verification “helps ensure that such claims are truthful and not misleading,” although advocacy groups point out that these verification services are themselves of varying quality.
The agency’s guidance follows growing concern by environmental advocates and consumer protection groups about what’s often called greenwashing, or the practice of making misleading claims about a product’s environmental impact. And it reflects growing scrutiny by courts and regulators around the world on the labeling of products aimed at consumers concerned about the environment.
For instance, earlier this year, a national court in Denmark told Danish Crown, the country’s biggest pork producer, that it was misleading to label its pork “climate-controlled.” The company discontinued that phrase along with another climate claim.
In New York, state Attorney General Letitia James has sued JBS, the meat multinational, for making “sweeping representations” about neutralizing its emissions in the coming years but offering “no viable plan.” JBS asked the court to dismiss the case.
The marketing claims reflect how brands are trying to meet consumer demands. In the United States, sales of consumer products that are labeled green or sustainable are growing twice as fast as those that are not, according to research from New York University’s Stern School of Business.
文/Somini Sengupta 譯/羅方妤
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