Colleges Target Gaza Protesters With New Rules
大學用新課程和更嚴法規 壓制挺巴潮
Daniel Diermeier, Vanderbilt University’s chancellor, on Monday told hundreds of new students what the school would not do.
The university would not divest from Israel.
It would not banish provocative speakers.
It would not issue statements in support or condemnation of Israeli or Palestinian causes.
It would not tolerate threats, harassment or protests “disrupting the learning environment.”
Last month, Vanderbilt required all first-year undergraduate students to attend mandatory meetings about the university’s approach to free speech, with the hope that clear expectations — and explanations for them — would help administrators keep order after protests rocked American campuses toward the end of the past academic year.
“The chaos on campuses is because there’s lack of clarity on these principles,” Diermeier said in an interview.
There is no guarantee that the preemptive meetings will work. Many student activists and professors at Vanderbilt have condemned the university’s rules as suppressing their speech, and even universities with histories of hard-nosed tactics have struggled with demonstrations.
But university officials nationwide are grasping for new approaches as they brace for renewed protests over the Israel-Hamas war, along with a bitterly contested presidential election. Many administrators remain shaken by the closing weeks of the spring semester, when encampments, building occupations and clashes with police helped lead to thousands of arrests across the country.
The strategies that are coming into public view suggest that some administrators have concluded that permissiveness is perilous, and that a harder line may be the best option — or perhaps just the one least likely to invite blowback from elected officials and donors.
University presidents used summer break to huddle with police, lawyers, trustees and other administrators to rewrite rules, tighten protest zones, and weigh possible concessions to maintain, or restore, order. Many have studied universities that temporarily defused tensions by striking deals with protesters.
Universities are signaling little overt interest in negotiations.
“The question is how do we get more consistent in the way we respond to these issues — and clearer about what the rules are and what the tiered responses will be,” said Richard K. Lyons, the new chancellor at the University of California, Berkeley.
文/Alan Blinder 譯/羅方妤
紐時這篇報導開頭的chancellor在美國某些大學是校長,在英國是名譽職,比較像董事長,要稱校長也是名譽校長,香港稱「校監」。英國大學實際負責校務行政的是vice chancellor,不宜稱為副校長,應理解為(執行)校長或逕稱校長。政治上,德國和奧地利的總理稱chancellor,英國財政大臣也是,多數國家的首相/總理英文用prime minister或premier。美國許多大學和台灣的大學校長,英文用president。
以色列在加薩的軍事行動已超過10個月,超過比例原則的殺戮平民行徑在美國大學校園引爆抗議潮。Blowback是意外的不良後果:We are now suffering the blowback of the terrible foreign policy choices made by the previous president.
大學最怕得罪金主(donors),沒有「抖內」,教職員生都得「下課」。Be braced for something是為即將到來的壞事,做好心理或生理上的準備:The base was braced for an attack.
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