紐時賞析/黑人受歧視、全球暖化是動機 美大學抗議目標不局限加薩
Protesters Connect Gaza War to Struggles Near and Far
美大學抗議潮遍地烽火 目標不局限加薩
Talk to student protesters across the country, and their outrage is clear: They have been galvanized by the scale of death and destruction in the Gaza Strip, and will risk arrest to fight for the Palestinian cause.
For most of them, the war is taking place in a land they’ve never set foot in, where those killed — 34,000 so far, according to local health authorities — are known to them only through what they have read or seen online.
But for many, the issues are closer to home, and at the same time, much bigger and broader. In their eyes, the Gaza conflict is a struggle for justice, linked to issues that seem far afield. They say they are motivated by policing, mistreatment of Indigenous people, discrimination toward Black Americans and the impact of global warming.
Many protesters have rebuffed entreaties from university administrators, chained themselves to benches and taken over buildings. Now, demonstrators have faced a harsh crackdown, with hundreds of arrests in the past 24 hours at many schools, including Columbia University.
With pro-Israel students ratcheting up their counterprotests on a number of campuses, the climate could grow even more strained in the coming days.
In interviews, the language of many protesters was also distinctive. Students freely salted their explanations with academic terms like intersectionality, colonialism and imperialism, all to make their case that the plight of Palestinians is a result of global power structures that thrive on bias and oppression.
“As an environmentalist, we pride ourselves on viewing the world through intersectional lenses,” said Katie Rueff, a first-year student at Cornell University. “Climate justice is an everyone issue. It affects every dimension of identity, because it’s rooted in the same struggles of imperialism, capitalism — things like that. I think that’s very true of this conflict, of the genocide in Palestine.”
Jawuanna McAllister, a 27-year-old doctoral candidate in cell and molecular biology at Cornell, pointed to the name of the student group she is affiliated with: the Coalition for Mutual Liberation.
“It’s in our name: mutual liberation,” McAllister said. “That means we’re anti-racist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist organization. We believe that none of us can be free and have the respect and dignity we deserve unless all of us are free.”
文/Jeremy W. Peters 譯/周辰陽
英文有句流傳已久的口號"Think globally, act locally",用在美國大學校園示威上面,非常貼切。大部分學生從未去過9000公里以外的加薩,卻能胸懷世界,以搭篷這樣的local strategy(在地策略)表達支持,以及對當局袖手旁觀的抗議。
Cause在本文指的是某個讓人願意支持或為其奮鬥的信念、目標,文中的the Palestinian cause可理解為巴勒斯坦的建國大業,或:The donation is the biggest private gift to a humanitarian cause.
校方要求學生別在校內搞示威,結果踢到鐵板。文中的entreaty是非常鄭重的要求,為可數名詞:The senator has resisted repeated entreaties [=appeals] to run for president.勸進無效。
Rebuff不僅是拒絕,而且是很不客氣的拒絕,可當名詞和動詞:She rebuffed him when he asked her for a date.有關拒絕的英文單字還包括refuse/reject/decline/deny等,可依不同語境使用。
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