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紐時賞析/力求改變傳統 華爾街日報新任總編輯拚轉型

華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journal)。 路透通訊社
華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journal)。 路透通訊社

The Remaking of The Wall Street Journal


Last month, Emma Tucker, the new editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, gathered the newsroom to share a blunt message: The media industry had morphed “beyond recognition,” and the Journal needed to adapt or be left behind.


“We don’t want to be the German car industry of news publishing,” she joked to the hundreds of staff members listening.


Tucker, who took over as top editor in February, was addressing a group that had been, to a large degree, tentatively optimistic about its energetic new boss. But many were also unnerved by the speed of the changes she had already made to traditions some viewed as core to the character and success of the Journal, one of the world’s premier business publications.


At least 15 veteran editors and writers have left the paper in recent months. Long-held stylistic practices, such as the use of courtesy titles in articles, were disposed of overnight. The Journal’s chief enterprise editor, who had veto power over which big investigative pieces were published and which were discarded, was pushed out.


In the meeting with the newsroom Sept. 21, a recording of which was obtained by The New York Times, Tucker signaled that more changes were ahead as she oriented the outlet to better serve a digital audience and tried to shake off what she viewed as unnecessary stuffiness.


The goal, she told them, is to add many new online subscribers by delivering readers expertise and “distinctive” journalism. The organization faces ever-declining print circulation, lower social media traffic and strong competitors, she said, but its current mostly male and older subscriber base means there is a “robust” market of possible new readers.


“We need to make our journalism more accessible without in any way diluting the standards or integrity of the reporting,” Tucker said in an interview a day after she addressed the newsroom. “And I think it’s possible to do both.”


Although the outlet started the digital race strong as one of the first newspapers to put its content behind a paywall in the mid-1990s, it has made only halting progress in adapting its newsroom as digital readers become the bulk of its subscribers. The Journal now has more than 4 million total paid subscribers, including 3.4 million digital-only subscribers. The Washington Post has fewer than 3 million total subscribers, while The New York Times has nearly 10 million.


文/Katie Robertson 譯/羅方妤

紐時賞析 紐約時報 華爾街



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