紐時賞析/美反恐戰關押最久囚犯 律師將擴大司法戰

Lawyers Expand Legal Fight for Longest-Held Prisoner of War on Terrorism
Lawyers for the longest-held prisoner in the U.S. war against terrorism have begun a new legal offensive in multiple courts aimed at securing his release from Guantánamo Bay.
The prisoner, known as Abu Zubaydah, was captured in Pakistan in March 2002 in a raid by U.S. and Pakistani security services. He was the first person held in the U.S. secret prison network known as the black sites and the first to be waterboarded by the CIA.
The initiative follows the Pentagon’s disclosure over the summer that a national security parole-style board deemed Zubaydah too dangerous to release. He has never faced criminal charges at Guantánamo. U.S. intelligence concluded that while he was a militant in Afghanistan in the 1980s and ’90s, he had never joined al-Qaida and had no link to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Zubaydah, 52, is being held indefinitely as a detainee of the war on terrorism the United States declared in response to the Sept. 11 attacks. He is colloquially called a “forever prisoner” because of the endless nature of that war.
There are other prisoners at Guantánamo Bay who were captured in 2002. But they have been approved for transfer to other countries and one has been tried and convicted at a military commission.
Lawyers in Europe and the United States are seeking compensation and condemnations for Zubaydah, who is Palestinian but was born in Saudi Arabia. His true name is Zayn al-Abidin Muhammed Husayn.
The new lawsuit on behalf of Zubaydah alleges that he was subjected to torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, medical and scientific experimentation without his consent, war crimes and arbitrary detention.
Renewed attention to his case could raise his profile and help his lawyers find a nation willing to take him in.
The expanded legal approach is part of an effort “to assist the U.S. government in releasing Mr. Abu Zubaydah and finding a safe and suitable country to resettle him peacefully and productively,” said Lt. Col. Chantell M. Higgins, a lawyer with the U.S. Marine Corps who has represented Abu Zubaydah for six years.
“He is a human being and clearly deserves a chance at freedom,” she said.
文/Carol Rosenberg 譯/陳曉慈
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