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紐時賞析/德州槍擊案後 美國哪兒才安全?


Shooting Fuels Parents’ Fears All Over Again

德州槍擊案後 美國哪兒才安全

Late Tuesday night, Luz Belliard sat on the edge of her bed in upper Manhattan in the room she shares with her 9-year-old granddaughter, Victoria, and thought about what to say.


Victoria, a third grader, was sitting on her own bed, which was covered in stuffed animals; she had already seen on the evening news that children her age had been killed in a mass shooting at a school in Texas.


Now, Belliard had to consider just what she would tell Victoria on their walk to school the next morning: Listen to your teachers. Get down on the floor. Remember the drills you do in class.


“She’s young, but she understands — sometimes too much,” Belliard said Wednesday outside Victoria’s school in Washington Heights. “To take your child to school and then come back to see them dead, it’s not fair. It should not be that way.”


Victoria was standing at her grandmother’s side.


“It’s sad that a lot of children died that way. Those children had a big life ahead of them,” the girl said. “When I hear that kind of stuff it makes me scared.”


In New York and across the country Wednesday, children, parents and caregivers grappled with the aftermath of the deadly shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where an 18-year-old gunman killed 19 children and two teachers before being shot dead by authorities.


They hugged their children a little tighter and lingered a little longer at drop-off. They could imagine too easily a gunman bursting into their own child's classroom. And they were once again faced with a haunting question: Is there anywhere in America where schoolchildren can truly be safe?


Some schools around the country took extra precautions in the wake of the shooting. Schools in Texas and Florida banned backpacks from buildings Wednesday. Officials in states including Georgia and Virginia sent extra officers to schools as a precaution. In New York City, home to the nation’s largest school system, officials are considering ways to tighten security, including locking school doors after children have arrived for the day.


The shooting has cast a somber tone over the final days and weeks of the school year.


“Sometimes I don’t know what to say publicly,” Deborah Gist, superintendent of schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma, wrote in a Facebook post. “I feel a huge responsibility to use the right words. How, though, do I express the horror, outrage, frustration, disappointment, pain, and fear that an event like the shooting in Uvalde brings? It is a parent’s, a teacher’s, a principal’s, and a superintendent’s worst nightmare.”


文/Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura, Chelsia Rose Marcius and Lola Fadulu 譯/李京倫




just是exactly的意思。片語just what the doctor ordered可以解釋為the exact remedy for one's problem,意為「正是需要的東西」,例:Thanks, a strong cup of coffee in the morning is just what the doctor ordered.

值得注意的是(It's) just what you need.是諷刺語、反話,意為「絕不需要的東西」。例:Bob: On top of having too many bills to pay, now I have car trouble! Mary: That's just what you need!

have a big life ahead就是來日方長,「來日」可以說days to come、days ahead或time ahead。相反則是來日無多there isn't much time ahead。

倒數第二段cast a tone over是比較少見的用法,常見的是cast light on使…更易理解,cast a shadow over/on給…蒙上陰影。cast pearls before swine是對牛彈琴。

德州 槍擊 美國


防六四集會 港府連續兩年關閉維園

術後背痛殺人 奧州槍手殺醫生再自殺 釀5死

港六四無紀念活動 警高度戒備:就算1人上路 定罪囚5年

六四33週年前夕 李卓人獄中強調:銘記和堅持


生在學霸世家 媽媽還是史丹佛教授 卻不愛讀書只想當明星》演員蜜兒:謝謝媽媽挺我追夢



北一女數資班、柏克萊資工系、灣區軟體工程師、新銳網紅YouTuber…「確實常被人家說,我是人生勝利組,不過,我從小就超級認真的,很自律,會給自己目標,然後一直前進。」Kelly Tsai說。

大學重考、端盤洗碗 他從「魯蛇」變大學教授:若孩子找不到學習動機和目標 就讓他去做這些事


赴美陪讀變身名廚、還學中醫 她:媽媽努力跳脫舒適圈 就是最好的身教


全職育兒16年重返職場 她53歲奪金鐘獎60歲開咖啡館:小孩的成長只有一次 我的人生也是


當了醫生卻脫下白袍追夢》作家楊斯棓:孝順 不代表要將父母的期待照單全收




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